john muller and diana perez. we begin this half-hour with new details on the oklahoma tornado. property damage in moore could end up costing $2 billion. the twister tore through as man schools and a hospital. the names of all 24 victims have been released. they range in age from 4 months to 70 years old. our coverage begins with abc s david muir with new video as the tornado struck. reporter: this is the moment the monstrous tornado hit briarwood elementary. for the first time, we see what students saw huddled in that bathroom, complete darkness. and this is what they heard. [ screaming ] reporter: as the pressure from the tornado took hold of that school, the bathroom, it felt the air pushing down on them. it s almost over. it s almost over! reporter: their teacher promising it would end. it s almost over. oh, my god, i hate this. i hate this!
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announcer: from abc news, this is world news now, with john muller and diana perez. we begin this half-hour with new details on the oklahoma tornado. property damage in moore could end up costing $2 billion. the twister tore through as many as 13,000 homes, multiple schools and a hospital. the names of all 24 victims have been released. they range in age from 4 months to 70 years old. our coverage begins with abc s david muir with new video as the tornado struck. reporter: this is the moment the monstrous tornado hit briarwood elementary. for the first time, we see what students saw huddled in that bathroom, complete darkness. and this is what they heard. [ screaming ] reporter: as the pressure from the tornado took hold of that school, the bathroom, it felt the air pushing down on them. it s almost over. it s almost over! reporter: their teacher promising it would end. it s almost over. oh, my god, i hate this. i hate this! reporter: you hear one of the
found. it s priceless. it really is. you can really make sure that now we have our memories too. reporter: after a visit from janet napolitano, homeland security secretary, and ore on sunday to tour the to damage and honor the victims. john and diana? marci, let s talk about pets. we have seen so many dramatic stories, the animals reacting when the tornado came, and the way they were shaking, and all the great reunions there was that great reunion between the pet and the owner. do you know about this one? can you give us a little bit more about it? reporter: well, this dog dixie that we talked about in the story is actually a pretty incredible story. the owner, vicky, was looking for a place to ride out the storm. she loaded her three dogs in the car and came here to the hospital. she ran inside just to make sure it would be okay to bring the dogs inside. within moments the tornado hit. and she says by the time she made it back outside her car was gone.
she parked in front of the hospital. she later found her car in the back. which means that car was picked up by the tornado, the dogs were thrown out. incredibly two of the dogs are back at home with her this morning. but they re still searching for the third one. marci, let s turn to the human toll. unfortunately, we know now the search is over, but there are still these deaths, the people we want to talk about. what else have you learned about the victims? as we know, it s 24 victims, 10 of them children. 7 died in that elementary school. we ve also learned that two of the victims were infants, just 4 and 7 months old. one of them we learned was a baby boy, who was with his mother, who was trying to hide from the storm in the freezer of a 7-eleven. the mother was also killed. all right. abc s marci gonzalez. live in moore, oklahoma. thank you for that. parts of oklahoma and texas can