China s Yutu-2 rover finds mysterious glass spheres on the moon - In 2019, when Yutu-2 landed on the lunar surface, it became the first rover to reach the far side of the Moon. Now it s the longest operational rover.
When China’s Yutu 2 rover spotted a mysterious cube-shaped “hut” on the moon, theories began spreading like wildfire, especially the thought of it possibly being an alien base. The rover began traveling towards the unexplained object in order to determine what exactly it was and the results are in. The rover noticed the object on. Read more »
One common frustration among those interested in national and private space travel – especially those who believe some of our space rock neighbors are either inhabited or have secret bases is that the missions never seem to go to inspect the strange anomalies that would prove it. That may change soon China’s Yutu. Read more »