With the Russian central bank sanctioned, I think it will be very difficult to conduct ruble FX intervention in size in order to defend the currency. Read more.
MOODY’S Investors Service expects Pakistan’s economy to grow by a modest 1.5pc in FY2021, much higher than the World Bank’s projection of 0.5pc but lower than the government’s target of 2.1pc and the State Bank’s estimates of 1.5pc to 2.5pc. Unlike the World Bank that recently predicted the country’s growth would remain lacklustre even over the next two fiscal years at just 1.3pc, the research arm of Moody’s Credit Rating Agency sees the economy expanding to 4.4pc in FY2022. The wide divergence in growth projections for the present year is not surprising as these are based mainly on different sets of data and policies, short- to medium-term trends, global economic drifts and other variables. Yet a reading of the texts accompanying the differing forecasts underlines the challenge to the subdued recovery from the Covid-19 shock: resurgence of the virus. Even though short-term macroeconomic trends are showing improvements over the last year when the economy contracted by 0