As heat waves increase in India with the rise in global warming, cities are particularly vulnerable because temperatures at the heart of the urban jungles can be as many as seven degrees higher than the areas aound them, a leading expert has said.
Credit ratings agency Moody's has revised the outlook of four Adani Group companies to 'stable' from 'negative' in view of timely debt repayments and ability to raise funds.
Moody's Investors Service on Thursday retained India's economic growth forecast for 2023 at 6.7 per cent and said strong domestic demand will likely sustain the growth in the near term.
Moody's Investors Service on Friday affirmed India's rating at the lowest investment grade of 'Baa3', with a stable outlook, saying high growth will support a gradual increase in income levels.
"Our take is that the slowdown late last year will be temporary and even salutary, helping to wring some of the demand-side pressures out of the economy without stopping it wholesale," the report by Moody's Analytics said.