At least two dozen bodies in a decomposed condition were found floating in the Ganga in Ghazipur district of Uttar Pradesh on May 11, the police said. Given the large number of bodies, the police are probing if they are of COVID-19 victims but have so far not been able to either identify the deceased or trace the source.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will not attend the G7 summit in the United Kingdom next month, the Ministry of External Affairs announced. “While appreciating the invitation to the Prime Minister by U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson to attend the G7 Summit as a Special Invitee, given the prevailing COVID situation, it has been decided that the Prime Minister will not attend the summit in person,” said spokesperson Arindam Bagchi.
Cars Alliance Auto Loans Italy 2015 S.r.l. Moody s affirms Aa3 (sf) rating of Italian ABS Notes issued by Cars Alliance Auto Loans Italy 2015 S.r.l.
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March 4, 2021, 1:25 PM·15 min read
Rating Action: Moody s affirms Aa3 (sf) rating of Italian ABS Notes issued by Cars Alliance Auto Loans Italy 2015 S.r.l.Global Credit Research - 04 Mar 20211,357.4 million ABS notes rated, relating to a portfolio of Italian auto loansMadrid, March 04, 2021 Moody s Investors Service ( Moody s ) has today affirmed the rating of the Class A Notes issued by Cars Alliance Auto Loans Italy 2015 S.r.l. (the Issuer ), following the increase in pool size and other amendments...EUR 1,357.4M (current balance EUR 1,112.8M) Class A Notes, Affirmed Aa3 (sf); previously on Oct 25, 2018 Downgraded to Aa3 (sf)RATINGS RATIONALE Increased pool size and further issuance of Class A Notes and Class J NotesToday s rating action reflects the fact that the Issuer will purchase additional consumer loan
Southern Nevada Water Authority Moody s assigns Aa1 to Las Vegas Valley Water District, NV s Series 2021C GOLT refunding bonds
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February 23, 2021, 10:05 PM·14 min read
Rating Action: Moody s assigns Aa1 to Las Vegas Valley Water District, NV s Series 2021C GOLT refunding bondsGlobal Credit Research - 23 Feb 2021New York, February 23, 2021 Moody s Investors Service has assigned Aa1 ratings to the Las Vegas Valley Water District, Nevada s $197.3 million General Obligation (Limited Tax) (Additionally Secured by SNWA Pledged Revenues) Water Refunding Bonds, Series 2021C. Moody s maintains a Aa1 issuer rating on the district, as well as Aa1 ratings on the district s $2.7 billion in outstanding GOLT bonds not refunded by these issues. The rating outlook is stable.The issuer rating represents Moody s assessment of hypothetical GOULT debt, though GOULT bonds are not issued by local governments in Nevada. The GOLT pledge in Nevada is limited by constitutional and stat
Rating Action: Moody's assigns Aa2 to Wisconsin's General Fund Ann. Refunding Bonds of 2021, Series A; outlook stableGlobal Credit Research - 08 Feb 2021New York, February 08, 2021 Moody's Investors Service has assigned a Aa2 rating to the State of Wisconsin's $118.6 million General Fund Annual Appropriation Refunding Bonds of 2021, Series A (Taxable). The outlook is stable.RATINGS RATIONALEThe Aa2 rating on the bonds is one notch off the state's Aa1 general obligation rating to reflect the requirement for annual appropriation of debt service by the state legislature.
Banco Estado, New York Branch Moody s affirms Banco del Estado de Chile s ratings, outlook remains negative
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February 4, 2021, 3:23 PM·17 min read
Rating Action: Moody s affirms Banco del Estado de Chile s ratings, outlook remains negativeGlobal Credit Research - 04 Feb 2021New York, February 04, 2021 Moody s Investors Service ( Moody s ) has today affirmed all ratings assigned to Banco del Estado de Chile (Banco Estado) and Banco Estado, New York Branch (New York branch), including the A1 long-term deposit, senior unsecured debt and counterparty risk ratings, following the affirmation of the bank s baa3 baseline and adjusted baseline credit assessments (BCA). The bank s short-term deposit, commercial paper and counterparty risk ratings of Prime-1 were also affirmed. In addition, Moody s affirmed Banco Estado s senior unsecured MTN rating of (P)A1 and its counterparty risk assessments of A1 (cr)/Prime-1(cr).The outlook on Banco Estado and its New York branch