Moreno’s work was made easier by the lax regulatory climate that followed the 2016 Peace Accords signed between the Colombian government and rebels which made public money easily accessible in areas like Puerto Libertador that were particularly affected by the more than 50-year armed conflict.
Six Months After the Assassination of Colombian Journalist Rafael Moreno, 30 Journalists, Coordinated by Forbidden Stories, Pursued His Investigations Into Allegations of Wide-scale Corruption in the Province of Córdoba, Revealing a System of Cronyism in Public Works Contracts Potentially to the Tune of Several Million Dollars
Six months after the assassination of Colombian journalist Rafael Moreno, 30 journalists, coordinated by Forbidden Stories, pursued his investigations into allegations of wide-scale corruption in the province of Córdoba, revealing a system of cronyism in public works contracts potentially to the tune of several million dollars
Six months after the assassination of Colombian journalist Rafael Moreno, 30 journalists, coordinated by Forbidden Stories, pursue his investigations into allegations of wide-scale corruption in the province of Córdoba
Hace 15 horas
Acusado de homicidio culposo e intento de homicidio, Chárrez inició su protesta por presuntas anomalías en su proceso y supuesta colusión de juezas
Pachuca.- El diputado federal sin fuero Cipriano Charrez Pedraza mantuvo una huelga de hambre por
77 días en el Centro de Readaptación Social (Cereso) de Pachuca, donde está recluido desde el 20 de septiembre de 2019 por dos causas penales en su contra: homicidio doloso primero homicidio culposo e intento de homicidio.
La protesta que inició por
presuntas anomalías en su proceso y supuesta colusión de juezas con el gobierno del estado para mantenerlo en prisión, terminó, según una carta escrita por Charrez desde la cárcel, “ante el inminente riesgo de perder la vida”, por el daño que, aseguró, han sufrido sus órganos vitales.