Alabama News
The summer Olympics will starting in a few days, but a couple of Montgomery kids are already heading towards that goal.
A group of young Montgomery Track and Field athletes are headed to the Junior Olympics all thanks to their hard work and a dedicated coach. Coach Kyle White has been coaching track and field for 4 years. He found his passion for coaching after his son wanted to join the track and field team in high school.
Coach Kyle wanted to introduce kids to a sport that they never thought would be offered to them. His training and dedication towards his athletes has helped his student, Jamiracle Ashley, compete in 2 Junior Olympics. She has been training since the fifth grade in the discus, javelin, and shot put category. Coach Kyle has worked tirelessly to train his team and, now their hard work has paid off. Nine of his athletes, one of them being just 7 years old, were chosen to compete in the Junior Olympics this summer, including Jamiracle Ashley with this b