An historical ceremony honoring the late Rev. Horace Ray Sr. was held Saturday morning as he was presented posthumously with the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor by the National Montford
Enlarge The 1919 photo of the Harlem Hellfighters, a record held by the National Archives (NAID 26431282), is juxtaposed with quilt artist Bisa Butler's interpretation of the image, "Don't Tread on Me, God Damn, Let's Go! The Harlem Hellfighters," on display at the Renwick Gallery in Washington, DC. Front row, left to right: Pvt. Eagle Eye, Ed. Williams; Lamp Light, Herbert
California Legionnaire Ron Jones is in Missoula, Mont., this week to commemorate the 125th anniversary of the Iron Riders’ 1,900-mile trek to St. Louis.
Ordinary Flu Shot from Drug Store Pharmacy (as Opposed to. - Upper Marlboro, MD - Ordinary Flu Shot from Drug Store Pharmacy (as Opposed to COVID vaccine) Prevents Severe COVID Symptoms - A combined effort by Colorado and California researchers apparently resulted in the startling finding that the regular flu shot available from the drug store pharmacy.