Saanich public works crews contained a toxic spill in Bowker Creek this week. Residents in the Haultain Street area alerted Saanich of fumes and a fuel sheen on the creek water and banks on Wednesday.
Bowker Creek, the eight-kilometre urban waterway meandering through the region’s largest municipalities and mostly hidden by underground culverts after more than a century of development, is starting. . .
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Stratford police have charged a 33-year-old Stratford man with assault causing bodily harm after responding to a report of an attack on a Stratford taxi driver last Thursday morning.
Police said Monday officers responded to a report of an assault in progress on Monteith Street in Stratford by a City Cabs driver shortly after 10:30 a.m. The driver told police over the phone that a male passenger was agitated and acting out in the back of his vehicle.
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Try refreshing your browser. Stratford resident charged following taxi-driver assault Back to video