country. 29 consecutive months of increasing private sector jobs. by the way, all over this country we ve been decreasing public sector jobs. in montana public sector jobs are down by 4.2%, and we re at 6.5% unemployment. so we ve created 4.5 million new jobs, private sector, decreased the public sector jobs, and montana s on the mend and so is the rest of the country. jenna: you also say you cut more taxes for montana s residents than in previous, than any other time in state history. and seven consecutive years of the largest budget surplus. jenna: well, i asked that because that seems more like something we heard from the republican convention than we re hearing from the democrats. i have to take a quick break, and i ll bring you right back to respond to that, governor. we ll be right back with more happening now . all right, thank you. ter sto] [ male announcer ] when your favorite foods fight you, fight back fast with tums smoothies. so fast and smooth, you ll forget you had