jon: officials reported to covid deaths as some chinese cities ease pandemic restrictions after recent protest. in taiwan s capital protesters showed their support for the demonstrations at a rally today. i ran state media says construction of a new nuclear power plant is underway. iran announced it produced enriched uranium at another facility less than two weeks ago. in bahrain, the king met with the president of israel the two nations normalized relations two years ago after signing the broken abraham accords. in indonesia a volcano on the nations most densely populated island began erecting today after monsoon rain collapsed the lava dome. at the world cup in qatar france be pulling 3 - 1 while leland beat senegal three mill. france and england face-off on saturday. in the meantime cancer stricken
ROMPIN, Dec 3 The Election Commission (EC) said it is now in a state of readiness for the voting day of Tioman state seat in the 15th general election (GE15) following the.
ISLAMABAD, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) The total death toll from this season monsoon rain and flood since mid-June has risen to around 1,638 along with 12,865 injured
Islamabad - Pakistan wird nach Einschätzung der Welthungerhilfe noch lange mit den Folgen der katastrophalen Flut zu kämpfen haben. Das Wasser zerstörte
Ausnahmezustand wegen Taifun "Muifa": Die Skyline der chinesischen Millionenmetropole Shanghai ist in Nebel gehüllt, nur Wenige trauen sich vor die Tür.