Colombians pray in the San Francisco de Asís parish. (Diócesis de Cúcuta/Twitter)
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Churches are asking for prayers of peace and freedom for a country experiencing unrest.
Mass protests are continuing after more than a week of riots. Colombians are protesting their government after a tax reform was brought forward by their president that protestors are saying would make the poor poorer and the rich richer. President Ivan Duque has since withdrawn the bill but the demonstrations continue, alling for the cancellation of a proposed healthcare reform and for a basic income. There are also concerns over state control of policing territory and civilians who have died in the crossfire of the force s actions.
Colombians pray in the San Francisco de Asís parish. (Diócesis de Cúcuta/Twitter)
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Churches are asking for prayers of peace and freedom for a country experiencing unrest.
Mass protests are continuing after more than a week of riots. Colombians are protesting their government after a tax reform was brought forward by their president that protestors are saying would make the poor poorer and the rich richer. President Ivan Duque has since withdrawn the bill but the demonstrations continue, alling for the cancellation of a proposed healthcare reform and for a basic income. There are also concerns over state control of policing territory and civilians who have died in the crossfire of the force s actions.