down, ones that have been disputed by top u.s. intelligence officials. i m not going to play his comments but you need to know that they re happening. jonathan carl laid out the highlights in a tweet a couple hours ago. he tweeted this. tucker carlson says the u.s., quote, helped encourage the russian invasion, says that they engineered a coup in ukraine in the name of democracy, confirmed russian claims about bioweapons are totally and completely true. who else says this b.s.? well, vladimir putin. joining our conversation, the aforementioned jonathan carl, abc news chief washington correspondent, author of the book betrayal. ambassador michael mcfaul and rick stengel are still here. i will cop to monitoring fox news last night because i m, as an ex-republican, i m still haven t given up my fever dream that something will break the fever, that there will be this moment when fox news will break up with putin, and i thought this might be it, so i have been monitoring it.