now we learn the last night mommy actually seen, sunday night. computer records revealing the family hotel room door opening and closing 11 times during that night. and now we discover daddy has a mistress, a younger woman. investigators believe the 42-year-old victim was strangled. breaking news. reports say an arrest is imminent in the murder of monica beresford-redman. they say her body and neck had scratches and she may have suffered blunt force trauma. she s the wife of survivor producer and co-creator of pimp my ride, bruce beresford-redman. the husband, the prime suspect in his wife s murder. according to police. authorities say her body was discovered 80 yards from the couple s hotel room. media now reporting blood was found in the couple s luxury resort hotel room, outside in the hall. we know she apparently found about an alleged affair that had happened between him and a work colleague of his. basically saying she disappeared on monday to go s