Sports championships. Local restaurants closing while new ones open. A school district mired in dysfunction. Local faces sharing big dreams. Community stalwarts departing public life. And puppies! Oxford Hills headlines from 2022, part II, below: July Popular Norway restaurant Smokin’ Dave’s Backyard BBQ Grill announced that the building it had operated from on Main Street […]
There were celebrations of sports victories, lots of economic development and plenty of other good news, tempered by the interesting and the unfortunate, as we look back at the top regional stories of the year.
Oxford Hills, along with the rest of the world, began to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic in 2022 as virus vaccine eligibility became more widespread and treatments developed to adequately treat the disease. But Maine School Administrative District 17 entered the year rocked by scandal, misconduct, external and internal investigations and cratering morale within months […]
Municipal officials may be starting a trend of interfering in Oxford Hills' eight-town school district, appointing directors according to political affiliations and referring to the district as a "quagmire" and a "swamp."