2021-05-15 11:44:56
Ulaanbaatar/MONTSAME/. Within the framework of the European
Union (EU) funded ‘Support to Employment Creation in Mongolia (SECiM)’ project,
which is jointly implemented by Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light
Industry (MoFALI), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(FAO) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), a 5-day
online based Advanced Training of Trainers course on ‘Food safety management
system and OIE regulations for meat exports’ was organized on 10-14 May 2021.
The training aims to refresh knowledge and build technical capacity of local
trainers in the food industry to be able to provide similar courses for their
2021-05-05 17:33:57
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ On May 4, Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, Investment and Research Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and
the Embassy of Mongolia to the Russian Federation held a virtual consultative
meeting on exporting meat and meat products from Mongolia to Russia with
representatives of a Russian marketing firm that provides global consultancy
services. Representatives of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry,
Mongolian Meat Association, over 10 local meat and meat products manufacturers.
The sides exchanged information on challenges faced in
exporting meat and meat products to Russia, ways to resolve them, and
experiences of other countries that export competitive products to the country.
2021-01-29 12:59:00
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ ‘Analysis of the 5 top destination markets for Mongolian meat exporters’ study carried out by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) was presented on January 28, first day of the ‘Fostering Integration of the Mongolia Downstream Value Chain of Meat into Regional Value Chains’ two-day national virtual workshop being organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry, and UNCTAD.
During the study presentation, workshop participants discussed consumer preferences, trends, distribution channels, logistics and transportation options of the five destination markets that have been identified as priorities for Mongolian exporters of meat (China, Japan, Vietnam, Russia and Kazakhstan) throughout the ‘Integrating Landlocked Commodity Dependent Developing Countries into Regional and Global Value Chains’ project (2018 – 2021).