And said he had been a creep. Migrant crisis, yesterday, if you we re migrant crisis, yesterday, if you were watching, we were talking about italy saying it needed more help from other European Countries in dealing with the thousands arriving, today, austria has announced it is prepared to send its army to its border with italy to stop migrants from coming in. We are told 750 troops are on stand by. The italians are not impressed, you will not be surprised to hear. The austrian ambassador ambassador in italy has been summoned. I have been speaking with the europe editor of the Bbc World Service about whether they summon World Service about whether they summon him or not, what the italians can actually do about this. They do not have leveraged but there is a bit of Sabre Rattling going on. They have moved the soldiers onto stand by, they have put armoured vehicles on stand by, there is no suggestion yet that they will close the border. They have been talking between themselves, the two
And said he had been a creep. Migrant crisis, yesterday, if you we re migrant crisis, yesterday, if you were watching, we were talking about italy saying it needed more help from other European Countries in dealing with the thousands arriving, today, austria has announced it is prepared to send its army to its border with italy to stop migrants from coming in. We are told 750 troops are on stand by. The italians are not impressed, you will not be surprised to hear. The austrian ambassador ambassador in italy has been summoned. I have been speaking with the europe editor of the Bbc World Service about whether they summon World Service about whether they summon him or not, what the italians can actually do about this. They do not have leveraged but there is a bit of Sabre Rattling going on. They have moved the soldiers onto stand by, they have put armoured vehicles on stand by, there is no suggestion yet that they will close the border. They have been talking between themselves, the two