Typically, money market account interest is compounded daily and added to your account monthly. Learn more about how to maximize your money market account earnings.
fabulous for you that interest rates are going up. you say, when mortgages were 2% a few years there s a what were interest rates in savings accounts on a cds, 0.1%, whatever it may be. now, you can get a 5% rate in a money market account. now you can get a cd for 5%. now, you could probably a shortly here get a 30 year bond for five a ten year note for 5%. so those people, especially those in their retirement years, aaron, that are living off of their income. the high interest rates are fabulous for them, especially if they take advantage of locking it up longer term, because when interest rates do calm down, again, they re still getting that higher rate because interest rates eventually will come down again. and it s like gravity. i we spoke a few days ago and you had told people not to worry about some of the selloff that
Money market accounts can be a great way to build your savings. If you're a USAA customer, you may be interested in opening one of these accounts with your bank. This guide will tell you whether it's.