the criminal complaint filed by the fbi, all the stories they reference that were linked to the documents that she provided all published by buzzfeed and nbc universal invested in, our parent company. so all the essentially able to trace the disclosure of this information directly to articles that later appeared in buzzfeed. also named as having information leaked is prevazon alexander. this was money coming into the united states, money that was received illegally, a money laundering allegation brought here in the u.s. the same prosecuting office, the u.s. attorney s office for the southern district of new york brought a case and recoup funds run through new york city real estate essentially and an article two days ago based off of information according to the charging documents that was provided by edwards to buzzfeed and that information came out
there s that, and glen simpson s money laundering allegation that congressman schiff is talking about. so can theseongressional committees force these witnesses to talk short of holding them in contempt of ss,hichcongre is almost unheard of? they can invite them to be interviewed. and they can also subpoena them if they want, although, it seems like the house intelligence committee, which is republican-led is mostly not interested in subpoenaing witnesses, although i guess they did issue a subpoena for bannon that didn t sort of work out, because he wasn t responsive. i guess the bigger point that we ve seen day to day is this house intelligence investigation just seems disorganized. they are inviting witnesses. witnesses come. they don t know whether or not they re going to invoke executive privilege or not. they don t know whether the witness is going to appear. so it just strikes me as t