door policy, eu because we didn t want an open door policy, this government can t control door policy, this government can t control legal migration, they can t control control legal migration, they can t control so called illegal migration, and i control so called illegal migration, and i take control so called illegal migration, and i take issue with that, because no person and i take issue with that, because no person is and i take issue with that, because no person is illegal. they can t control no person is illegal. they can t control any no person is illegal. they can t control any of it. no person is illegal. they can t control any of it. there is no such thin as control any of it. there is no such thing as an control any of it. there is no such thing as an illegal control any of it. there is no such thing as an illegal migrant, - thing as an illegal migrant, absolutely right. but i think illegal migration, per se, some people would argue is what it says on the ti
Hohenstein-Ernstthal Erschienen am 22.07.2021 Gemeindewehrleiter Rico Leuschner (links) zeigt eine der alten Jacken, Ortswehrleiter Sven Weinhold die neue Ausrüstung. Foto: Andreas Kretschel
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Hohenstein-Ernstthal schafft Jacken und Hosen an, die besser gegen Hitze und Wasser schützen. Zudem soll es bei der Aufwandsentschädigung der Aktiven künftig gerechter zugehen. Die Hohenstein-Ernstthaler Feuerwehr wird mit 60 neuen Jacken und Hosen ausgerüstet. Das haben die Stadträte am Dienstagabend beschlossen. Wie Gemeindewehrleiter Rico Leuschner in der Sitzung erklärte, ist es höchste Zeit, dass neue