Article: The perils of following the new dimensions of dirty money and Corruption in Putin s Russia - An Essay Book Review of Freezing Order By Bill Browder
Affable volunteers, retirees of the model-railroad-enthusiast type, deliver their best chestnuts when you approach one of the transplanted structures that make up the village. Some of the big names of American business and technology are represented: there is a Wright Brothers bicycle shop, an Edison lab, a Heinz ketchup house.
Joan Didion would have known what to say about Richard Stockton Rush III. I’m almost surprised she never wrote about him. He was a pure effusion of California plutocracy, someone in whom amour-propre had been sublimed over generations, each forebear transforming a bit more of the dross of ordinari.
TV News - In the year 2071, air pollution has killed off most of the human population, and oxygen masks are now required in order to survive. South Korea has become a desert and a brutal dystopia with a strict class system – those deemed important enough are stamped with a QR code. Read more at