especially when it comes to vacuuming my office, am i right? a sexist would say. that s terrible. very bad. but it all fairness, a woman did write that joke. which is proof if you want something done, you got to ask a woman. and she wrote it probably while watching one of her stupid soap operas. wow. what another sexist would say. i ll stop. all right. so if you ve have you seen any good movies lately? and i don t mean the one that went viral. but if you said no, that s your fault. you re probably racist, sexist or even a home month phobe. that s how actor billy of his gay comedy debros. true, i get more viewers when i leave the bathroom door open. although it made gay cinema history, replacing broke back mountain with broke at the box office, it was a so sparsely attended, no one got monkey pox. a homophobe would say. apparently, it made $4 million over the weekend. that s what larry kudlow left the waitress at the cheese cake factory a few weeks ago. here ar