zoraida today. monday, april 1st, 29 minutes past the hour. a double murder on a suburban in suburban community as police on on a manhunt this morning, an entire neighborhood on edge. the district attorney and his wife found gunned down at their home in kaufman county, about 30 miles southeast of dallas. mike mclelland and his wife cynthia are the latest victims in what could be a case of a serial assassin targeting public officials just two months ago assistant district attorney mark hasse was gunned down in the middle of the day near a courthouse as he walked to work. so far police have no suspects, no motive for these murders. george howell is live in kaufman, texas, for us this morning. police haven t publicly linked these two cases. but obviously there s speculation they re connected. these two men worked together. christine, good morning. that is the case. they worked together very closely. prosecuting similar cases. and we re hearing from public officials here, in this cou