says. i don t think he says i m going to rely on the o reilly factor. but he s delusional. if it doesn t fit into his world view, then he s going to pretty much say whatever he wants to say. you know, i m the last person who wants to defend him, but i would say that most politicians, when they re caught in contradictions will resort to denial or bill: how can you do that when you just saw the videotape 20 seconds before hand? look, there are a lot of politicians today who are running for the presidency who have changed their opinions about certain issues and you show them the tape, yes, we ought to invade libya. no, we shouldn t invade libya. and they manage to deny that they ve actually contradicted themselves. it s not a monopoly of liberalism. i think what liberalism has a monopoly on is deep in their
says. i don t think he says i m going to rely on the o reilly factor. but he s delusional. if it doesn t fit into his world view, then he s going to pretty much say whatever he wants to say. you know, i m the last person who wants to defend him, but i would say that most politicians, when they re caught in contradictions will resort to denial or bill: how can you do that when you just saw the videotape 20 seconds before hand? look, there are a lot of politicians today who are running for the presidency who have changed their opinions about certain issues and you show them the tape, yes, we ought to invade libya. no, we shouldn t invade libya. and they manage to deny that they ve actually contradicted themselves. it s not a monopoly of liberalism. i think what liberalism has a monopoly on is deep in their
says. i don t think he says i m going to rely on the o reilly factor. but he s delusional. if it doesn t f into his world view, then he s going to pretty much say whatever he wants to say. you know, i m the last person who wants to defend him, but i would say that most politicians, when they re caught in contradictions will resort to denial or bill: how can you do that when you just saw the videotape 20 seconds before hand? look, there are a lot of politicians today who are running for the presidency who have changed their opinions about certain issues and you show them the tape, yes, we ought to invade libya. no, we shouldn t invade libya. and they manage to deny that they ve actually contradicted themselves. it s not a monopoly of liberalism. i think what liberalism has a monopoly on is deep in their