happen. that is n. that is a fact.markab and everyone knows it.ly and yet remarque democrats ine t congress cheered it on andin we re quoting, ukraine s fight is the reason we formed nato in the first place. said mouth breathing congressman mike quigley of illinois. i think we need to support this. i think s . yes, we do. nancy pelosi peering through the fog of her own civility, agreed. i would be for ukraine having security guarantee. probl she said, oh, noem problem.. has and of course, because he has choice, whatever you think off him. the the democratic party, the uniteddemotes, rea states rs the same script on friday. pr nothing less than the removal of vladimir putin as the president of russia. watch through him, ukraine was and remains the leader ofou negotiation efforts. it is our country that always proposed to russia to agree, ho on coexistence, on equal, con honest and dignified and fair conditions. he president , it is impossible.
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making his way through that room. you heard him say he s trying to shake the hand of every person that. looks like he s trying to get a good start on this. we saw him near the wall of the names of the state department employees, staffers, who have been killed on the job. can you describe the atmospherics in the room? was this polite applause for the secretary or did you get the as soon as folks are excited to see him? and the second question, how do you see the relationship developing between rex tillerson and donald trump? is rex tillerson going to have the ear of the president? reporter: that s the unknown question. so far yes. james mattis and tillerson, john kelly, the two generals and the ceo have credentials. they come to the president on equal standing almost with the billionaire non-governmental president, the generals he