sleep train your ticket to a better night s sleep if you are down there throwing rocks week are you covering your face. once i got him in the car i kept asking him what did the police do to him? moments baltimore mother caught on camera yanking her son out of those riots. she is here to go on the record. with us is geraldo rivera.
she added fuel to the fire. i m taking the last word to that geraldo. you got it. thank you. being called mom of the year when she yanked her son off the streets when she saw him rioting. the baltimore mother goes on the record next. keeping eye on protests across the nation now. live coverage from baltimore continues. so, what brings you to jersey? well, geico s the #1 auto insurer in new jersey, new york and connecticut. so i just came by to say thanks. #1, huh? that s great. here you go. a little token of appreciation. oh, that s. that s. that s great. now i d say you probably need a large. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
also in baltimore where protests are taking place. geraldo, tell me what you have seen. hi, greta the community is breathing once a sigh of relief and also defiance. i think they feel empowered by highly unusual politically charged announcement by the states attorney that the cops were going to be arrested politically charged why do you say that? she went beyond the facts of this case and speaking to the circumstances on the streets of baltimore it was definitely beyond the usual different boundary. i don t mind it though although i think it will be a basis for a change of venue and maybe even the aappointment of a special prosecutor. i don t mind it because i think it calms things down. do you know what i think is wrong with it her role is a prosecutor and be smart to keep that job. keep within the requirements of the job is when you step beyond it and say something. that s when you walk into trouble she just just say this is what i think the
residents from a community where in those six officers have served as police officers on the beat, on the streets, working those streets, making arrests. even now you have seen this is an entirely completely inflamed community that s out in the streets and so i fear that my clients cannot get a fair trial. i would ask to have a different venue. i would worry if i were a defense attorney affluent. if i were representing a police officer i would have a little apprehension, that would not be my first choice. certainly i would agree with you greta. i don t know where you have not heard of this case i do believe in fairness to the officers it should be moved out of baltimore. if indeed that s what the police team and officers want. tonight there are
this is a fox news alert. protests continue in baltimore. news six police officers have been charged in the death of freddie gras. michael tobin is also live in baltimore. mike? well, greta this is the biggest and rowdiest we have seen the crowd here at north pennsylvania. as we give you a look. people dancing on top of their cars. and this stream of cars seems to be just endless. i was talking with some of the demonstrators about how they knew to join up with this group apparently word went out over social media this is a big crowd. as you can see very rowdy. a little bit of vulgar lyrics in that particular song. i want to avoid the audio there. they are pretty fired up. i m going to avoid talking to them right now. they are all saying things not appropriate for television. most of the people i have talked with say they will leave by 10:00 and respect