A total of 58 female rangers from environmental departments of 14 provinces on April 5 completed a three-day course on gender-equality leadership in natural resource management in Kampong Thom province, according to an environment ministry statement.
The ministries of health and environment called for increased public awareness throughout the country, especially in rural areas, about the risks of Malaria.
The Ministry of Environment announced the launch of a two-year project to stimulate local economies through the implementation of agroforestry and environmental agronomy in Kravanh district, Pursat province.
With the support of the government, the Ministry of Environment has been engaged in creating occupational options for people in community protected areas. This will encourage them to participate in the preservation of their traditions and customs – and the establishment of eco-tourism to boost local economies – in addition to relying on natural resources
The Ministry of Environment and development partners will issue uniforms to the over 290,000 members of 190 local community protected areas for patrolling and formal events.