thatat is alwaysys discreet. lolook at how w it absorbss all ofof the liquiuid. and lolocking it right onon in! you u feel no wewetness. - oh my gogosh! - - totally ababsorbed! i got t to get somome alwaysys discreet!t! more shohopping? you shouould watch yourur spending g honey. more shohopping? i m m saving witith liberty mumutual, mom.m. they cusustomize your c car insuranance so you onlnly pay for whwhat you neeeed. check itit out, so you onlnly pay for whwhat you neeeed. you u could saveve $7$700 dollarsrs jujust by swititching. you u could saveve $7$700 dollarsrs ooooooh, i llll look intoto that. you u could saveve $7$700 dollarsrs let me putut a remindeder on my phonone. sasave $700 dodollars. let me putut a remindeder on my phonone. pick up p dad from airirport? ohohhhhhh. only payay for what t you nee. l liberty. liliberty. libertrty. libertyty. only payay for what t you nee. (vo)o) this is s sadie, shehe s on ver. the networork she can n count . libertrty. libertyty. an
okay everyryone, our m missions complelete balanceced nutriti. totogether we e provide nunutrs to suppoport immune,e, musclele, bone, and hearart health.. everyonene: woo hoo!o! ensurere with 25 vitaminsns and d minerals.. enter r the $10,00000 nourisishing momenents giveaw. more shopppping? you u should watatch yourur spending g honey. i i m savingng with liberty mumutual, mom.m. they customizeze your c car insuranance so youou only payy for whwhat you neeeed. check itit out, you could d save $7$700 dollarsrs just by swswitching. ooooh,h, i llll look intoto that. let meme put a rememinder on my phonone. sasave $700 dodollars. pickck up dad from airirport? ohohhhhhh. only payay for what t you nee. libertyty. liberty.y. libeberty. libererty.
mom.m. can we geget a puppy,y? please? mom.m. can we geget a puppy,y? girlrls, pets arare a big exex. mom.m. can we geget a puppy,y? aww.w. [ audiencece cheers ]] maybybe try swititching your cacar insurancnce to progrgre. [ audiencece cheers ]] you coululd save hunundreds. [ audidience laughghter ] [ audiencece cheers ]] ththanks, tv d dad. we ll thinink about itit,? ththanks, tv d dad. lookok what i fofound. -a pupuppy! -a-a puppy! lookok what i fofound. ohoh, no, no.. i i wish tv dadad was alwaysys in chargeg. [ dodog barks, a audience lalau] i i wish tv dadad was alwaysys in chargeg. listenen to your t tv da. i i wish tv dadad was alwaysys in chargeg. driverers who swititch ande with progrgressive i i wish tv dadad was alwaysys in chargeg. save n nearly $70000 on av. arare you tirered of wasashing dishehes? wewell flip ththe way yoyou clean emem wiwith dawn plplatinum ezez-squeeze.. itit s an upsiside-down botte with no cacap. you u just grabb and squeueeze. dadawn platinunum s mor
join u us this wedednesday fr jerseyey mike s daday of givi. be a a sub aboveve. mom.m. can we geget a puppy,y? please? mom.m. can we geget a puppy,y? girlrls, pets arare a big exex. mom.m. can we geget a puppy,y? aww.w. [ audiencece cheers ]] maybybe try swititching your cacar insurancnce to progrgre. [ audiencece cheers ]] you coululd save hunundreds. [ audidience laughghter ] [ audiencece cheers ]] ththanks, tv d dad. we ll thinink about itit,? ththanks, tv d dad. lookok what i fofound. -a pupuppy! -a-a puppy! lookok what i fofound. ohoh, no, no.. i i wish tv dadad was alwaysys in chargeg. [ dodog barks, a audience lalau] i i wish tv dadad was alwaysys in chargeg. listenen to your t tv da. i i wish tv dadad was alwaysys in chargeg. driverers who swititch ande with progrgressive i i wish tv dadad was alwaysys in chargeg. save n nearly $70000 on av. if you re hoping to travel internationally this year, and you don t already have a passport, be warned. getting one could take months.
$1 million cash bail last week. harvey weinstein will next be in court july 30th. and going to college just became more affordable for employees at walmart. the company announcing a new benefit program where employees can pay just a dollar a day to go to college. walmart says they ll cover the remaining costs for tuition, for fees and books, employees can pursue their degree at branman university, bellevue university or the university of florida, all three have online accredited programs for working adults. this applies to all part time, full time and salaried employees who have been with the company for just at least 90 days. coming up, can the summit be salvaged? the world waiting to see the result of a meeting between mom m mike pompeo and kim jong-un s right-hand man. the secret memo in the hands of the special counsel.