In Louisville, community organizers are betting that a guaranteed income program will reduce community violence in disinvested neighborhoods – and prevent displacement of residents.
From COVID infections to dangerously hot weather, older South Dakotans have had a lot of warnings the past couple of years to adhere to. But experts say these individuals also need to be mindful of injury risks in the home. This week is Falls Prevention Awareness Week, and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one fourth of Americans 65 and older experience a fall each year. .
A new piece of legislation in Congress will help people across the U.S. prepare for retirement with greater ease. The EARN Act - short for Enhancing American Retirement Now - reduces requirements for part-time workers to participate in retirement plans, allows for penalty-free emergency withdrawals from retirement accounts, and encourages small businesses to adopt retirement plans. .
Experts say part of the secret to living a long and healthy life is to keep moving, which is one of the goals at this week s Virginia Senior Games in Lynchburg. A total of 1,500 athletes, all age 50 and older, will compete in an array of individual and team sports, divided into age groups. Organizers said they had to pause the event for the pandemic in 2020, but it is now back in full swing. .
A pastor and community leader in Louisville is working to boost economic development and raise the quality of life on Louisville s West end. Jamesetta Ferguson, president and CEO of the Molo Village Community Development Corporation and senior pastor of St. Peter s United Church of Christ, started the corporation more than eight years ago as a way to address poverty, inadequate housing, limited food access and low educational attainment in the Russell neighborhood. .