Others have argued that it’s not blackfishing, it’s just fake tan. Which is funny because by definition the term means: “using bronzer, tanning, Photoshop, or even cosmetic surgery to change their looks to appear Black or mixed race.” Sooooo, wHaT iS iGgY dOiNg tHeN??
Where s the blackfishing? I m waiting pic.twitter.com/w7ALyToPad
Now, if you’re in the camp that also says: “it’s just fake tan, it’s not racist,” then I highly recommended reading this article addressing the complexities of fake tanning culture.
“White women who tan to change their skin to a colour that the world has told them is desirable, who fetishise the very brown skin that actual brown people are shamed for, are often reinforcing the same toxic (and honestly, racist) beauty standards that have excluded me from ‘brown’ beauty in the first place,”