Peter Fox was a dedicated journalist with a passion for travel and adventure. He started his career on his home town paper, the Lancashire Evening Post, and moved on to work in Manchester and London, later deciding to freelance his way round the world as his followed his wanderlust. Along with his roots, Preston left
ah. ah. with riga capital city of the republic of latvia, the country gained independence on march the 16th. now, thousands of people have gathered in the city center near the freedom monument ever since. and how does the democratic olympia celebrate every spring? the country has now been a member of both the european union and nato for several years. the now very few surviving legionnaires who served in latvian buffet s s divisions, march solemnly under national flags making their way to the country s main monument . they are accompanied by a large crowd of loyal supporters and admirers to the strains of nazi style notches and songs. and number of officials and individuals lay memorial weeks at the base of the monument. as they joined the commemoration of remembrance day. it s a day when respect paid to fallen and surviving volunteers for hitler s ass. there was a time when this was even considered a national holiday. 0 also was all paula dosage. if that all goes out to jane
aah. riga capital city of the republic of latvia. the country gained independence on march the 16th. now, thousands of people have gathered in the city center near the free to monument ever since. and how does the democratic olympia celebrate? every spring? the country has now been a member of both the european union and nato for several years. the nell very few surviving legionnaires who served in latvian buffet s s divisions, march solemnly under national flags and making their way to the country s main monument. there accompanied by a large crowd of loyal supporters and admirers to the strains of nazi style marches, and songs in number of officials and individuals lay memorial weeks at the base of the monument. as they joined the commemoration of remembrance day. it s a day when respect to paid to fallen and surviving volunteers for hitler s ass. there was a time when this was even considered a national holiday soon. austin was all po, dosage of thought, all god to jane, b
riga capital city of the republic of latvia, the country gained independence on march, the 16th. now, thousands of people have gathered in the city center near the free to monument ever since. and how does democratic olympia celebrate? every spring? the country has now been a member of both the european union and nato for several years. the now very few surviving legionnaires who served in latvian buffet s. s divisions, march solemnly under national flags making their way to the country s main monuments. they are accompanied by a large crowd of loyal supporters and admirers to the strains of nazi style marches and songs. and number of officials and individuals lay memorial weeks at the base of the monument as they joined the commemoration of remembrance day. it s a day when respect paid to fallen and surviving volunteers for hitler s and says, yes, there was a time when this was even considered a national holiday. 0 also as well a po, dosage of thought, all go that the jane b
it down as well. yes. is the information being collected for nato country? yes. is it highly likely that it s being given to ukraine? it would not surprise me as it was absolutely, especially you know, there, there been discussions on, on looking at ways to strike at crimea, and you want to know where the facilities are. and either way, whether you re going to do an electronic attack or another type of attack, but it definitely was gathering strategic information that would be shared with members. thank you so much for joining us on the program. always great to get your expertise and your insight into any situation. thank you so much. all right, listen, returned to us military lieutenant, kind of and international consultant. thank you. i thank you for joining us. hey, marty international will be back at the top of the hour with the very late. ah ah, i me use ah, i use ah riga capital city of the republic of latvia, the country gained independence on march the 16th. now, thou