No Title for Tracey, a documentary about a Springfield High School senior who gets snubbed as valedictorian, will be screened as part of a film series on Jan. 4.
That was a given, said her longtime friend and sometimes traveling companion, Jim Huston of Springfield.
Huston said he long-admired Schlich s commitment to the behind-the-scenes work for the annual Molly Schlich International & Independent Film Series that has borne her name since 2011.
There was working with theatre chains and distributors, dealing with pricing and making sure film prints arrived on time and got back to the distributors, moving parts that Huston said he was familiar with when he ran Springfield s Shoestring film series in the 1970s and 80s. A lot of those things, Huston said, are not on people s minds when they go into a theatre to see a film they might like or might hate. Those are all things Molly was doing.