Hi, everyone. I vintage cars getting an upgrade thanks to savvy business owners. We made a pit stop in harmony, pennsylvania, to find out how these baby boomers with the eye for the next big things have positioned themselves to be at the forefront of all things 3d printing in the car industry. If youve got a car that needs some tender loving care, bill is your guy. His shop in harmony, pennsylvania, has become the place car aficionados refer to when they want to see their dreams come true. I always enjoy the challenge. Also the place if you need special 3d car parts. What was that . Yes, i said 3d printed. A selfproclaimed tech newb, are ambassadors of this new technology in automobile industry. I really wouldnt consider myself that technologically savvy. As far as cars go, yeah. Just from the years ive learn from experiee and reading and tryi to t better at my trade, ive learned a lot about the technical aspects of automobiles. As far as computers, just enough to get in trouble. A cha
Hi, everyone. Welcome to your business. The show dedicated to helping your Small Business grow. Vintage cars are getting an upgrade. We made a pit stop in pennsylvania to find out how these baby boomers with an eye for the next big thing have positioned themselves to be at the forefront all things 3d printing in the car industry. If youve got a car that needs some tender loving car, bill is your guy. His shop in harmony pennsylvania has become the place car aficionados come to when they want to see their toughest dreams come true. Also the place you call if you need special 3 b printed car parts yes, i said 3d printed a self pro claimed tech enough bill and his partner are the unlikely ambassadors of this new technology in the automobile industry. I really wouldnt consider myself that technologically say have i. As far as the cars go, yes, ive learned over the years, reading and experience and trying to get better at trade, ive learned a lot about the technical aspects of automobiles.
Attacks never interrupted her work. Now she speaks out. The president this morning says he is imposing new steel tariffs on brazil and argentina. Our Steel Companies will be very happy and our farmers will be very happy. I dont know why the president did what he did this morning or what the justification was. Do any of you . Youre breaking news. We begin the hour with the president claim, quote, case over as the impeachment inquiry now enters a dramatic new phase. A report due tomorrow by the house intelligence committee, and then wednesday the first i am impeachment hearing by the Judiciary Committee. He claims new evidence of his exoneration. The ukranian president came out and said very strongly that President Trump did absolutely nothing wrong. That should be case over. He just came out a little while ago and he said President Trump did absolutely nothing wrong, and that should end everything. Now, in that interview with time and several other publications, the ukranian president ,
The book and then the film of Ladies in Black have been roaring successes. Now the women of the Goodes department store are back, taking on the challenges of 1960s Sydney.