i couldn t put away a rich guy like this. imagine if a poor or a middle class average american had been accused of molesting dozens of kids, do you think they would have let him off like this? no way. because epstein was connected. you care about the facts. what s the fact? there s an affidavit on file, go look it up, from a career prosecutor who was in charge of this case, not secretary acosta. he did the he did the negotiating of the deal. he owns that. he owns that. admit, chris. how about trump? acosta is a liar? no, no, admit, there was a female lead prosecutor acosta says he did the deal. don t try to blame women. that s disgusting. you re lame. stick to the facts. stick to the facts. let s listen, this discussion has ended its utility for tonight. were there multiple people on
accused of molesting dozens of kids, do you think they would have let him off like this? no way. because epstein was connected. you care about the facts. what s the fact? there s an affidavit on file, go look it up, from a career prosecutor who was in charge of this case, not secretary acosta. he did the he did the negotiating of the deal. he owns that. he owns that. admit, chris. how about trump? acosta is a liar? no, no, admit, there was a female lead prosecutor acosta says he did the deal. don t try to blame women. that s disgusting. you re lame. stick to the facts. stick to the facts. let s listen, this discussion has ended its utility for tonight. were there multiple people on the deal? yes. does acosta own that he negotiated the deal? yes. nothing else is relevant.
offender who is accused of molesting dozens of young girls. an inexplicable non-prosecution agreement with billionaire child sex offender jeffrey epstein that precluded trying epstein on any federal charges and that precluded charges against any of his potential accomplices. acosta is who did get the labor secretary gig and still has it. after andy puzder was deemed too controversial to get it. before long the trump administration would also have to see off the staff secretary in the white house who worked every day in the oval office in the immediate company of the president, seeing every piece of paper that crossed the president s desk no matter its classification level. all of this despite the fact that his own application for a permanent security clearance just couldn t seem to get through. turns out rob porter wasn t getting his security clearance because the fbi was getting stuck on the serious allegations of physical abuse that had been made against him by not one but
but in 1990 there was andy puzder s ex-wife wearing a disguise and big glasses and using a pseudonym describing allegations of physical abuse by trump labor secretary nominee andy puzder on tv, the one she had also testified to in their divorce proceedings two years prior. he vowed revenge. he said i will see you in the gutter. this will never be over. you will pay for this. the day that the day that politico.com obtained that tape of that tv show featuring andy puzder s ex-wife talking about what she said happened in their marriage, the day that tape finally surfaced, andy puzder was out as trump s nominee to join the cabinet and run the labor department. trump instead picked alex acosta, who has since been told by a federal judge that he and his fellow former prosecutors acted illegally when they agreed to a, frankly, inexplicable plea deal with a serial child sex offender who is accused of molesting dozens of young girls.
martha: the white house watching this one they say they are quote looking into the role of alexander acosta in the case of jeffrey epstein. a judge ruling that the prosecution team acosta headed broke the law in their plea deal with the well-connected billionaire, who is accused of molesting dozens of underaged girls who were never permitted to tell their story. trace gallagher has the back story for us tonight from our west coast newsroom. martha, what s paramount in this case is that some 80 women came forward claiming that from 2001 to 2006 think were molested and abused by billionaire jeffrey epstein. fbi and court records also show that epstein put together a network of underaged girls and forced them to perform sex acts at his palm beach mansion and he was suspected of trafficking minors from overseas to various sex parties at his homes around the world. bottom line, he was facing a