Oct 26 — The 27-year-old stateless Wong Kueng Hui, who was born in Sabah, today finally saw an end to his years of legal battles to be recognised as a Malaysian citizen, after the Federal Court rejected the Malaysian government’s final bid to stop the recognition
Wong Kueng Hui, a 27-year-old man born in Sabah to a Malaysian father and a mother believed to be non-Malaysian, will now have to continue his legal battles to be recognised as a Malaysian despite having won twice at the High Court and Court of Appeal
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 18 Wong Kueng Hui, a 27-year-old man born in Sabah to a Malaysian father and a mother believed to be non-Malaysian, will now have to continue his legal battles to be recognised as a Malaysian despite having won twice at the High Court and Court of Appeal. Just last month, the.
The Court of Appeal, in a 2-1 majority decision, ruled that the 27-year-old man who was born in Sabah to a Sarawakian father and a mother believed to be from Indonesia, is entitled to Malaysian citizenship
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 19 In a majority decision today, the Court of Appeal ruled that a stateless man born in Sabah to a Malaysian father and a mother of uncertain nationality is entitled to Malaysian citizenship. Wong Kueng Hui, who is now 27, had waited for the past 15 years to be recognised as a.