The arrested accused have been identified as Sanjeev Kumar alias Gola of Sector 33 Chandigarh Road, and Mahinder Singh alias Nanna of Mohar Singh Nagar
Ludhiana: The police on Tuesday claimed to have busted two gangs of snatchers, with the arrest of five.
In the first case, Division 3 police arrested a band of three snatchers. As many as 17 cellphones and nine stolen two-wheelers were recovered from them. The police claimed to have solved at least 35 cases of snatching and vehicle theft with the arrest of Gagan Kumar of Dhandra Road, Rohit Kumar of Mohar Singh Nagar and Ashu Kumar of New Basant Vihar.
Joint commissioner of police (city) Deepak Pareek said, “They were arrested from Kirpal Nagar puli of Division 3 area on a tip-off. All three are drug addicts and started executing crimes to meet their drug needs.”