a red carpet welcome from pakistan s prime minister imran khan. the saudi royal reviewed a military on a go before moving on to cannes residents to confirm the final details of seven separate agreements and memorandums of understanding worth twenty billion dollars. but also because. the friend. needed friends. as a friend elite. values so much the two day visit to pakistan comes amid high tensions in the region india and saudi arabia s arch rival iran both bordering pakistan have accused islamabad of backing militant groups which have carried out bloody suicide attacks on their soil in recent days. mohammed bin
backing militant groups which have carried out bloody suicide attacks on their soil in recent days. mohammed bin solomons next stop is pakistan s neighbor india his visit comes at a time of heightened tensions between the two countries over the disputed region of kashmir so how fine a diplomatic line is it for the prince to walk i put that question to assad has seen a journalist based in islamabad. i think that s a particularly good question and right now it s unclear as to how this is going to play out given the timing of the visit and how it s happened right literally a day after the pull warm attack which has led to obviously an increased heightening of tensions between india and pakistan currently tensions in the middle c. are extremely high and there is discussion on the indian side if even some sort of military action against pakistan who they blame for allowing such an attack to happen now obviously the crown prince has spent the last two days or is currently still in islamabad