DOHA: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Defense Affairs HE Dr Khalid bin Mohammad Al Attiyah met with Commander of United States Central Command Gen Michael Corella.
Shin Won-sik, South Korea’s Minister of National Defense, wrapped up his three-country Middle East trip with large defense industry deals. Shin struck a deal to export some $3.2 billion worth of ballistic missile interceptor system known as Cheongung II in a meeting with his Saudi counterpart, Khalid bin Salman Al Saud. The deal first floated about a month after President Yoon Suk Yeol’s state visit to.
Burgeoning German-Qatari defense cooperation is being derailed by domestic politics in Germany, posing no small number of uncertainties moving forward.
Shin Won-sik, the South Korean Minister of National Defense, on Thursday embarked on a trip to three Middle Eastern countries of the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. He will begin the trip with a meeting with his UAE counterpart, Mohamed Mubarak Fadhel Al Mazrouei on Friday. He will also visit the Akh unit, one of whose chief aims is to protect Korean nationals in the region in contingencies. He will the.