A human rights body, which included several prominent legal groups in Sudan, has begun compiling a complaint against those accused of the racist abuse of the former director of the National Authority for Radio and Television, Luqman Ahmed, who were caught on a hot mic uttering racist slurs against Ahmed last week.
The Darfur Bar Association (DBA) says that it has agreed with the former director of the National Authority for Radio and Television, Luqman Ahmed, to open a criminal complaint against the members of the defence team for the alleged plotters of the June 30, 1989 coup, who were caught on a hot mic uttering racist slurs against Ahmed.
A group of 20 Sudanese and international human rights and civil society NGOs have addressed an urgent appeal to the international community “to draw attention to the growing threats of racism, hate speech and intolerance in Sudan”. Hate speech and public calls for incitement to ethnic violence, particularly through social media platforms, are growing unabated in the silence of the Sudanese authorities, the NGOs lament.
Two defence lawyers were caught on a hot mic saying racist comments against the recently dismissed Director General of the Public Authority for Radio and Television, Luqman Ahmed, during a live broadcast of his trial on Sudan’s official news agency (SUNA), who later took down the video.
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