Deputy Chairman of Sudan s Sovereign Council, Mohamed Hamdan Daqlu has vowed to reveal the "malicious plots" against the cohesion among tribes."There are malicious plots targeting the cohesion of the social fabric among the .
2021-01-15 16:35:49 GMT2021-01-16 00:35:49(Beijing Time) Xinhua English
JUBA, Jan. 15 (Xinhua) Sudanese business firms are eyeing lucrative investments in neighboring South Sudan, ten years after a bitter split in 2011 that could herald new trade relations and further strengthen bilateral and cultural ties.
Several big businesses based in Sudan are participating in a week-long trade expo that ended in Juba on Friday.
Riek Machar, South Sudan s First Vice President and Mohamed Hamdan Daqlu, deputy chairman of Sudan s Sovereign Council during the opening of the first-ever trade expo between the two countries called for the opening of the borders and implementation of a 2012 cooperation agreement.