BLOOMSBURG, Penn., Jan. 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) Conrad B. Quintyn, Ph.D., explores how scientists seeking to repair defects in humans have ushered in the age of the new eugenics in his new book The New Eugenics: Modifying Biological Life in the Twenty-First Century (published by Archway Publishing).
The author argues that increasingly, scientists believe that improving the health, environment, and safety of humankind justifies the risks. The book encompasses many biotechnologies within the definition of the new eugenics because these technologies are used to improve the stock, when the stock in this case are all humans. In addition to discussing the new genetics in terms of in vitro fertilization and PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) like other researchers, Quintyn talks about other biotechnologies as well. Additionally, he includes animals in the new eugenics because the success, advances, techniques, and science of genetic engineering could not have