On Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a town hall meeting in Karnataka’s Kolar district and responded to Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge’s remark about the “venomous snake”. The ‘poisonous’ spikes in Karnataka’s election campaign come as addressing a town hall meeting in Ron in Gadag district on Thursday, Kharge told people: ‘Make no mistake. […]
Sounding the poll bugle for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections down south, in Kerala, Union Home Minister Amit Shah on March 12 unleashed a stinging attack on
In a barb at the two parties for fighting the recent Tripura Assembly elections in alliance, the Union Home minister said while the CPI(M) and the Congress don`t see eye to eye in Kerala, they came together in the Northeast state for the sake of
In a barb at the two parties for fighting the recent Tripura Assembly elections in alliance, the Union Home minister said while the CPI(M) and the Congress don't see eye to eye in Kerala, they came together in the Northeast state for the sake of "their existence"
Sounding the poll bugle for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections down south, in Kerala, Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Sunday unleashed a stinging atttack on the CPI(