Modernizing Medicare: Harnessing the power of consumer choice and market competition. A dozen top health policy experts have come together with detailed…
conflicting sources whether he s standing in for treasury. but what is clear is the language you re referring to on the new site, does talk about modernizing medicare and clearly echoes the language of paul ryan. thank you for your time tonight. you re so welcome. absolutely. joining me now charlie sykes and robert reich who served under president bill clinton. you and paul ryan difb urverged the woods. you could not support donald trump for a variety of reasons. i was persuaded that they were genuine. paul ryan stuck with him because he basically said the things that paul ryan and charlie sykes believe in, the division of america from domestic policy agenda is going to get in there with donald trump and lo and behold donald trump runs on some bizarre amalgam of ethno nationalalist backlash or kick
conditions portion of it or that portion that allows 26 years old to stay on their parents insurance. we can t trust anything that he has to say. and on this medicare, this is very dangerous. i feel so bad for all of those seniors out there who believed him and thought that he would not touch it, that he would protect it. and now they re faced with the donald trump who is now saying, well, i m going to work with ryan, the speaker, and we re going to modernize it in some way. what does that mean? what does that mean? it means that he s on the ryan agenda to privatize and to give the vouchers. yeah, i should note just what you said before, jamie dimon, it s unclear, we have conflicting sources whether he s standing in for treasury. but what is clear is the language you re referring to on the new site, does talk about modernizing medicare and clearly echoes the language of paul ryan. thank you for your time tonight. you re so welcome. absolutely. joining me now charl
but there hasn t been the narrative, the public sense that things are getting better. right. i think washington and its dysfunction has a lot to do with that. i hope the president surprises us with optimism tonight and a can-do spirit rather than bemoaning where we all are. michael, the language choices used in these speeches is so critical to sort of putting forward the message. i m hearing the president will move away from using the term income inequality in favor of the term of ladders of opportunity and those sort of small but nonsemantical differences in word choice can be hugely influential. that s right. well, when we were doing this with bill clinton, we knew he knew certainly that talking about saving medicare or strengthening medicare or reforming medicare, or modernizing medicare, may all describe the same policy, but they mean very different things to different audiences. you know, i think this is i hope the president s going to avoid the trap that some of