happening now. there is a race on to define the afghanistan narrative. on one hand you have what atia was mentioning, the facebook generation that is pushing country to connect to the rest of the world. on the other hand, you have this future where fighting might come back. you have a question about whether is it civil war that s going to spread next? or wireless? and i don t think anybody knows the answer to that. and her death really strikes a blow, i think against all of those. who are fighting for the modernity part. i ve spent a lot of time with young afghans who have tech companies, who right, 400,000 facebook users in afghanistan. people don t often think of that. and she really was part of that push from the young generation. when 60% of the country is under 25, to join the rest of the world. and i think that s how secretary kerry and others are talking about her. well, it is such a terrible loss. i know that we met just two weeks ago with these women entrepreneurs, i met wit