Smog indicators are spiking in the heart of the Po Valley, according to local environmental officials Tuesday, echoing their counterparts in Lombardy. In Emilia, levels of pm10 particulate matter, which also includes pm2. (ANSA)
A group of young people used a wooden art installation worth some 100,000 euros as the base for a barbecue earlier this week, damaging the work which is an external part of a museum near Modena housing works by artists of the calibre of Carrà, Guttuso e Pi. (ANSA)
A 74-year-old Modena man who killed his 72-year-old terminally ill wife at Vignola in April 2021 on Thursday got a relatively light jail term of six years and two months after judges factored in the "moral value and altruism" of the mercy killing. (ANSA)
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