tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 so you can take charge tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 of your trading. with the u.s. men s team on a roll, so far, in the world cup, you can bet that retailers want to cash in as fans new and old make a run for team usa merchandise. money correspondent zain asher went out to some stores today and joins us now live in new york. and so are people grabbing the jerseys and all the soccer swag? brooke, you bet they are. we are at modell s on the east coast. this is their number one it s their number one rain maker, the men s u.s. soccer jersey. they were completely sod. we spoke to the ceo, are this is the best they have done in terms of sales compared to any other
chocolate. but follow me if you will. i know, right. the guy in the red truck is handing out hot chocolate. it s a store i think called modell s. handing out hot chocolate to complete strangers. how delightful. it takes a snowstorm to warm the hearts of new yorkers. now we know. ashley b ashleigh banfield, i ll let you get out. i m sure you re in search of stories. that s really big of you, carol costello. you ll be back in a minute with another story that i love so stick around. thank you very much, ashleigh banfield. a wisconsin bus driver is trying to get his job back after he s caught on tape beating a teenaged passenger while he s driving the bus. we ll talk more about this next.
we are shopping on thanksgiving day? what s next? christmas day? nothing sacred? if you look at two years ago, we were open 6:00 in the morning the day after thanksgiving, black friday. who shows up at 6:00 in the morning? people that want. besides my wife? people that want incredible we re giving our goods away thursday night starting at 6:00. do they trample each other. have lines starting early in the morning. if people check the local papers tomorrow they will be in shock. i can t do it because my vendors will be upset with me today on what we are running? we have never run these prices ever before go. in modell s and see it it. store hours are online sites. that s not good enough for people. in our business people have to touch and feel the goods. something about the excitement of people feeling the energy. you know, throwing goods off the racks and off the table. do you ever feel you just
thought she would be married. october 2009, her fiance lewis young was killed in a car crash the week before their wedding. two years later to the day, megan met charlie at a memorial for young. we have been together ever since. my life ended at the accident site and it started there. as the happy couple starts their life together, willie has advice. love each other and forgive each other. that is a very sweet. quite a twist. i didn t realize that was coming. sounds like your wedding you did something similar? i did. yes, i got married at a modell s. at modell s that s a sport store here in new york. are those national? i don t know. we re kidding by the way. if you are from new york hey, you can go hunt your duck. i look like the scarecrow from the wizard
withdrawal slip. he says, ma am i ain t got no time for this. he grabbed a handful of lollipops. then he left. wait, there s more. he did the same thing at a fed-ex office, made off with $50. went to modell s in brooklyn tried to do the same thing. we ain t got time for you, not going to give you anything. he ran off with a baseball cap. and robbed an ihop made off with $200. a robber with big dreams. go turn yourself in. teller she stood up for herself. i ain t got time for that. i ain t got time for that. good lord jesus it is a fire. what happens when the top, luxury bicycle company, teams with lamborghini. a lamborghini bicycle for a mere $32,000. the bike uses the leather in the automobile, same color, feel as the car. the bike can be yours for