The Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) has released on its official website the Admit Card and Hall Ticket of the students who have registered for the Jharkhand Board Secondary Matric Class 10 and Intermediate Class 12 Examinations to be held in the month of February 2024.
The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has released online the Admit Card and Hall Ticket of the students who are appearing for February 2024 Intermediate exams of Arts, Science and Commerce streams.
CBSE Sample Papers: Find the CBSEsample papers & model question papers for class 10 & 12 students with free PDF download to get good merit on current year exams.
National Level Science Talent Search Examination (NSTSE) 2022 is conducted for students of classes II to XII to help talented students by providing valuable and detailed diagnostic reports for their specific improvement and further development