Its approved that we approve the agenda with the following changes. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposes . Ayes have it and the motion carries. The next item is approval of the january 4 meeting minutes. Could i have a motion. So moved. Second. Okay. It has been moved and second that we approve the january 4 Commission Meeting minutes. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposes. Aye it is have it and the motion carries. Item 4 approval of the february 1 meeting minutes. So moved. Can i have a second . Second. Okay. Its been moved and second that we approve the february 1 meeting minutes. All in favor say aye. Aye. Opposes . Ayes have it and so the motion is carried. [gavel] five item 5 directors report. Executive director. Good afternoon commissioners. Im going to keep my report very brief today because we have a lot of items on the agenda. One of the things that is happening this is the time of year when we start doing some of the lobbying at the state and federal levels so next week is the Cal