Leads to an increase in production in the country is stability in the country. You are also our respected viewers in the stock market, in fact, we transfer the ownership of Different Companies to different people, just as we have assets such as cars, property, and other such assets, there are also assets in the name of the factory and such cases, we are worried about the loss of these assets. We have some assets that are sold at a lower price, but what is the reason for this happening, but in fact, the stock market has fallen, the symbol of the Stock Exchange assets of Foulad Mobarakeh company , we sell and offer them at a lower price, the reason is that this is happening despite the fact that these companies mentioning that they have good profits, however, we offer them at a lower price. There are systematic risks that these companies are facing in this case. Lets reduce them. The manufacturer we have can easily plan that to produce this and also that the shareholders who own this des