president or the former president. and then the way the proceeding played out, there were several moments where he was asked to do a lot more than he did in florida. he had to sign his bond paperwork. he was asked to speak. he was sworn in twice. he entered his not guilty plea in florida. his lawyers did all of that. he was barely engaged, he wasn t directly addressed by the judge, didn t say a single word. but even though this proceeding felt like really any proceeding of a criminal defendant in the d.c. district court when they make their initial appearance, it was unusual. there was so much security around it. even with the court doing their normal court of business, seven judges took time out of their day to come into that courtroom, sit in the back row and observe. it was incredible. the magistrate judge actually emphasizing that the former president is not allowed to intimidate witnesses. it s a thing that you might see maybe in like a mob trial or
concealed and that something that you will get in mob cases and mafia trials and not in a civil trial especially one involving someone who is supposed to be of, you know, high character because he is a presidential candidate, but you are seeing it here. so this judge, judge kaplan was so worried that trump supporters would attack the jury or try to tamper with the jurors that he isolated them, and he made them private just like you would do in a mob trial. now that the case is over, he is still worried about their safety which is telling you a lot about the political environment that we are in. great point. it is a worrisome point. he protected them, and he stepped in to protect them, because he felt a need to protect them. as we have seen so often with anyone who has publicly opposed to former president or even taken steps to go after him legally as we have seen with the officials in georgia and officials with the former special council or the special
to get on truth social, a defendant who has 8 million followers. when that comes into play is when you re doing a mob trial. used to get protective order to preclude them from publiciing evidence so witnesses and jurors are not intimidated so there can be a fair trial. you make several great points, including the experience you draw on, and yes, the fact that any of this with regard to the defendant and risks is like a mob trial is really telling. david kelly, thank you, sir. appreciate it. we have a very special guest by the end of the hour who we think about leadership and service and something positive we could all take from that. we like to end the hour with uplift. i think we ll be able to do that tonight. first, the grifting of clarence thomas.
narrative that ms. cassidy was saying she was going to be nuked for revealing. you have him on tape. any mob trial, once you have the defendant on tape, you go to the jury. elise. it blew my mind to go through that testimony and read what cassidy hutchinson went through. thinking about a young 20-something staffer, leaving the white house. you re taking meetings, trying to get a job. she wanted to find a job. they dangle all of these jobs in front of her. it made me so uncomfortable to read the exchanges with her lawyer, who clearly was not looking out for her own interests. that s one side of it, and it s a compelling human element within this entire report but, susan, the other thing that grabbed me was this is a complete law enforcement failure. the fbi, what were they doing? they didn t really turn to this
enforcement abuses there are fourth amendment violations, but these are the same people who say, it s only a violation when it happens to them. the fact is here they are claimed we got to see the warrant. you see the warrant and then you see the contents of what the fbi found at mar-a-lago. highly classified top secret compartmented dot information. they can t say the search wasn t justified. they can try but the proof is in the pudding stephanie. they can walk into court right now and challenge it. they haven t done it. why? because every day of every week they are gonna lose that challenge. and what does it tell you about prosecutors fighting to keep the affidavit sealed? the fact that they are concerned that it could chill future witnesses? that sounds like a mob trial? this by the justice department was absolutely expected. we used to resist anything like that in an active investigation. we have the media, other folks who want access to the underlying affidavits. you never give